Routine Bloodwork

If you have any type of autoimmune disease, you are used to going and getting bloodwork every 3-4 months. My bloodwork takes dips and dives in all different areas, but two have never shown up before- my liver count and kidney function. I love how you can look at your own bloodwork now. I betContinue reading “Routine Bloodwork”

Trying to not hate my body

I’m currently in Florida, enjoying the beautiful weather and I decided that I wanted to get a massage. I usually get a massage every month, but recently it’s been hard with my lung pain and breathing issues. But I decided I needed one so bad and I would just have to deal with the lungs.Continue reading “Trying to not hate my body”

Living in a constant flare

For the past couple of months I’ve been living in a constant state of a flare. What’s a flare look like for my autoimmune disease? I’m glad you asked….. Wake up after tossing and turning all night with very little sleep. Anytime I lay on a certain area for awhile it feels bruised and it’sContinue reading “Living in a constant flare”

Knee Pain

I have had knee pain since I was 16 years old. Luckily, my mom believed me when I said that this knee pain is something that I have never felt before. I grew up running- playing any sport that I could, and knocking people over because I may be a little competitive. My mom andContinue reading “Knee Pain”

One of those days

Woke up this morning and my chest was tight. I knew I had to keep it easy Had a teledoc appointment and then ate an early lunch. Decided to get a bath and half way through started running out of air. By the time I got out and got dressed my lungs were yelling forContinue reading “One of those days”

Busy week of traveling (Vegas)

Whew. I love vacations but they wear me out! Anyone else?! I started out the week so strong. We traveled all day Saturday from New Jersey to Nevada (Vegas). There were no direct flights so we had to stop in Florida. Once we made it to my best friends house in Vegas, my husband andContinue reading “Busy week of traveling (Vegas)”

Traveling with a compromised immune system

My husband and I made the decision to travel in these crazy times. For me, I have taken medicine that lowers my immune system for years. I have always been as careful as I could and that hasn’t changed even now. (I’ve also had Covid and just got my first vaccination last week!!) I loveContinue reading “Traveling with a compromised immune system”

Work & MCTD

So, growing up I have always wanted to become a teacher. Once at a choir concert we dressed up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. There I was with my mom’s old glasses on, with my dressed up skirt and top. I don’t remember much from my childhood, but I rememberContinue reading “Work & MCTD”

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