One of those days

Woke up this morning and my chest was tight. I knew I had to keep it easy Had a teledoc appointment and then ate an early lunch. Decided to get a bath and half way through started running out of air. By the time I got out and got dressed my lungs were yelling forContinue reading “One of those days”

Waiting for test results

Last week I did the breathing test. At the time I couldn’t wait to hear from my lung doc about the results. Now, the day is here with my teleconference appointment and I don’t want to hear the results. Maybe I can live in bliss and pretend that my lungs aren’t getting worse. My rheumyContinue reading “Waiting for test results”

Breathing Test and Breathing

Holy. Shit. That sucked. I went in this morning to get a breathing test done. First thing the nurse said was “the test takes 30 minutes but looking at you this should take no time at all”. Ha if only she knew. I struggled through the entire test. It took longer than 30 minutes. IContinue reading “Breathing Test and Breathing”

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